People who spend most of their time indoors probably think that being outdoors is inconvenient and uncomfortable, but the truth is that it can be quite the opposite if you have the proper gear for it. Take the humble camping chair, for example. It's one of the most basic pieces of camping gear that anybody can easily buy, yet it can make a world of difference to your outdoor experience.
Whether you like to stay cool and camp (or glamp) in a quiet forest or by the beach or push yourself to the limits by taking on various outdoor adventures like hiking or trekking, there's a camping chair out there for you that'll make your time outdoors more enjoyable.
In this article, we'll explore various types of camping chairs and which would suit you best, depending on the outdoor activity you like.
The Casual Camper: Prioritizing Comfort and Convenience
Camping is probably the most chill way to spend time outdoors. Choose a spot, set up your base, and you're done! Casual campers often prefer short and easy camping trips to long and adventurous ones. They prefer to camp in well-established sites where they can enjoy nature without being too far off from the everyday comforts of the modern world, like showers or bathrooms.
Regarding camping gear, casual campers often go with just the basics so that
a traditional quad camping chair would be a great fit for them. Quad camping chairs are lightweight and easy to carry. They're foldable, so they're easy to store on days when you're not camping, too. They're usually made from a sturdy steel frame, canvas, or mesh. If you like casual camping with your partner, family, or friends, you could also look into
two or multi-person camping chairs. These fold in and out for easy storage and use but are slightly bulkier than single quad camping chairs.
There are different types of casual campers, too, and each type has a chair that best suits their camper type.
- Glampers are the types of campers who want the best of both worlds. They prefer to stay outdoors while enjoying the comforts and conveniences one can only typically get when staying indoors, like air-conditioning, sleeping on a soft mattress, and lounging around in comfy chairs. For this group, camping moon chairs would be the best fit. Camping moon chairs are stylish (perfect for those IG photos) and designed for comfort and relaxation. Another option for glampers is wooden camping chairs, which are stylish, durable, and extremely comfortable.
- Backyard campers - people who love being outdoors but can't be bothered to drive to campgrounds are called backyard campers. These people like to mimic the camping experience in their backyards by setting up camp and staying outdoors for the night. If you enjoy this kind of camping, go for quad camping chairs or plastic chairs. Onwak's plastic chairs are made from HDPE materials and utilize steel tubes for support, so they're durable, heavy-duty, and lightweight. They can be used for backyard camping sessions and for any other day of hanging out in your backyard.
The Thrill Seeker: Seeking Durability and Function Above All
Hikers, trekkers, and mountain climbers are just some of the people who qualify as thrill-seeking outdoor enthusiast adventurers. They don't typically stay in campgrounds with other campers and are always on the move. Their days outdoors are long, and they usually only stop to set up camp when it gets too dark or when they feel too tired. Because of this, they must choose camping gear that is easy to assemble, lightweight, and durable, like this
multifunctional director chair that unfolds into a
chair with a side table and folds up into a wagon with wheels, allowing you to wheel it where you need it to be easy.
The Festival Goer: Craving Portable Comfort for Long Days
Anyone who's ever attended any festival knows how long the day can be. Your favorite artists won't always be the first ones to perform, and there will always be tons of awesome artists performing that you wouldn't want to miss, so finding a good spot to enjoy the music while you chill is a must. A director chair with a side table would be ideal for people who enjoy the outdoors like this. You get a chair to sit on while waiting for your favorite artists to come on stage and a mini side table to hold your snacks, drinks, phone, and other stuff! Of course, a relaxing
moon camping chair wouldn't be a bad choice, especially if you're all about comfort during these long but fun and eventful days. For festival goers, convenience and portability are always key as the need to frequently move between stages or event areas is often inevitable.
The Nature Enthusiast: Packing for Slow Days Outdoors
Love fishing? Birdwatching? Or simply forest bathing? Being outdoors doesn't have to be packed with tons of activities. Sitting outside while you immerse yourself in the beauty of nature while sitting on a comfy chair is fine. Speaking of chairs, something sturdy and comfortable is a must, especially if you intend to spend most of the day cooped up in one. The wood element of a wooden camping chair is an incredible nod to the outdoors and is a great choice for long and slow days outdoors. This wooden camping chair from Onwak, in particular, is made with beechwood, making it light enough to take anywhere and sturdy enough to carry heavy loads so you can confidently sit on it for extended periods without any worries. A director’s chair is another great choice for nature enthusiasts looking for a camping chair, as it is lightweight and easy to use and store. Some come with a built-in side table to hold your drinks while you bask in the sun, and
this one even comes with an ice bag to keep your drinks cold, so you don't have to bring an extra bulky cooler.
Matching Your Chair To Your Needs: A Must For Adventurers and Business Owners
Regarding outdoor recreational gear, one size doesn't fit all - especially not when it comes to camping chairs. Different activities require different comfort levels and functionality, so choosing the right camping chair is crucial.
Of course, first-timers might not be knowledgeable enough to make this decision alone. Business owners who cater to customers needing camping chairs should be able to match them with a chair that fits their outdoor recreational activity of choice, as this can make or break the experience altogether. Who wants to sit all day on a plastic chair when they could be sitting comfortably on this
super deluxe moon camping chair? And who wants to be carrying a rather bulky wooden camping chair while hiking when they can go for a basic, lightweight quad camping chair instead?